Rates & Fees
Property located within the sanitary district must connect to the sewer system. Connection application information is below. Once connected, property owners pay annual fees to the Pickerel Lake Sanitary District to operate and maintain the sanitary sewer system.
New or Modified Connection
New users are required to submit a permit & inspection application to connect to the sanitary sewer system. Additionally, anyone making changes to their property that involves modifying their sewer complete must complete the application. The application fee is $250 and must be paid with the application:
One-Time and Annual Fees
Once cabin owners apply for and are approved, users are required to pay annual maintenance & reserve fees twice a year:
One-time and semi-annual fees (2025 rates)
One-time and semi-annual fees (2024 rates)
Customer Information
Common forms and information:
Pump Run Times (2020-2024) Updated 09/30/2024
List of area contractors for electrical, excavation & plumbing services
For general questions, please email: